Louise Fein's debut novel Daughter of the Reich is a beautifully written, heart-wrenching story about Hetty Heinrich, the daughter of a high-ranking...
Michael Elias has crafted a beautiful, hard, gritty world, and he moves you through it at breakneck speed (although you'll never feel short-changed).
Hannah Mary McKinnon pulled off a nifty trick, like a magician using misdirection to keep you looking in the wrong places all while doing her work in...
Alisson Wood's memoir is a moving, difficult, and powerful story about being groomed by her high school English teacher and the resulting fallout in...
If Penn & Teller's magic act was a book, it would be Simon Stephenson's SET MY HEART TO FIVE.
95 books about games, culture, and the Internet for just $30. And the first five Jam listeners to make a purchase will get a free, signed copy of...
The Downtown Writers Jam Happy Hour Conversation is a relaxed, interactive evening spent with some of the most interesting authors we’ve had on...
Author Stephanie Storey invited Brad to her YouTube talk show STOREY TIME to chat about writing, Appalachia, and the power of books.
Come join us for our September Downtown Writers Jam Podcast ZOOM Happy Hour Conversation, featuring author Melissa Faliveno (Tomboyland).
Come join us for wine and conversation with Alisson Wood, whose memoir BEING LOLITA is out on August 4!