
Free: The Downtown Writers Jam: Non-Fiction Book Proposal & Pitch Writing Workshop

Non-Fiction Book Proposal

We’re thrilled to announce our first—of what we hope will be manyFREE workshop for writers

The Downtown Writers Jam: Non-Fiction Book Proposal & Pitch Writing Workshop

  • Date: Sunday, July 10
  • Time: 10 am—11 am Eastern

Sign Up Now

This is a FREE one-hour workshop to help non-fiction writers understand how to write a non-fiction book proposal and the pitch letter.

Workshop Agenda:

  1. the five components of a book proposal packet,
  2. the importance of the table of contents,
  3. the 10-page writing sample,
  4. how to research what agents want in their proposals, and
  5. how to craft your packet to fit each individual’s need!
  6. Then, we will discuss the elements of a strong 2-3 paragraph pitch email, and
  7. how to approach pitching.

Take aways:

  1. Workshop participants will receive a PDF with the proposal and pitch templates to help them as they work on their own packets; and
  2. each person will get a free 30-minute follow up consultation with Brad once they have finished their writing their proposals!

There are no strings attached and no hidden or extra fees. It’s perfect for early-stage career writers who are a bit daunted by the whole “how do I get an agent” process!

Brad King is the Editorial Director of Carnegie Mellon University’s ETC Press, a former magazine journalist with Wired and MIT’s Technology Review, an author, and an editor. He also hosts The Downtown Writers Jam Podcast, where he’s interviewed hundreds of authors from around the world

Author | Editorial Director of Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press + University Libraries (@etcpress) | SXSW Programming Board | Host of The Downtown Writers Jam Podcast (@thewritersjam) | Former Wired and MIT Technology Review writer, editor, and producer | #BLM #NABJ

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