
Review: Look What You Made Me Do, by Nikki Smith

Nikki Smith

Look What You Made Me DoLook What You Made Me Do by Nikki Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nikki Smith’s second book, Look What You Made Me Do, continues her exploration of psychological thrillers, this time focusing in on two sisters who are (unsurprisingly) not exactly what they seem—to the readers and to each other.

It’s that second point that drives much of the plot in a way that most definitely plays around with the genres expectations. (Her first book, All in Her Head, did much the same. And it was one of my absolute favorite reads of 2020. You can read about that here.)

While there were times I wanted to scream at the sisters—”just talk to each other”—there are smart, embedded, and hard reasons why that doesn’t happen. This book is one that both explores perceptions—those we have about ourselves and those we assume about others—and paints a dark, realistic picture of trauma and control. (To see what that means, you’ll just need to read.)

And, if you’re interested, you can listen to Nikki and I discuss the question that drove this book over at The Downtown Writers Jam.

Author | Editorial Director of Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press + University Libraries (@etcpress) | SXSW Programming Board | Host of The Downtown Writers Jam Podcast (@thewritersjam) | Former Wired and MIT Technology Review writer, editor, and producer | #BLM #NABJ

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