
After Party Episode 3: Colin Kersey

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Colin Kersey

Colin KerseyColin Kersey (Swimming with the Angels) joined Brad in the Bunker for an After Party Q&A to discuss how he became a writer (it took some time), the importance of mentors, and the things that make him happiest.

He also doled out a bit a wisdom to his younger self, which you might recognize from television: Just do it!


About Colin Kersey

Colin KerseyColin Kersey’s writing combines hair-raising stories and vivid prose with colorful characters.

His first novel, Soul Catcher, was originally published by St. Martin’s Press.

A former Washingtonian and self-described rainophobe, Colin now lives on a sunny island in Southern California, where he is employed as Global PR Manager for a Japanese company. He is a graduate of the University of Washington, Western Washington University, and the novel-writing program at Stanford University.

He is currently working on a third novel. His work has been mentioned or featured in select news media outlets, including Entertainment Weekly, Washington Post, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, and Kirkus Reviews.

You can find him on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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